Geodesy is the science of methods for determining the shape and dimensions of the earth, depicting the earth's surface on plans and maps, and precise measurements on the ground related to solving various scientific and practical problems.
Geodesy solves the questions of the area of a site and its exact geodesic dimensions, geographical coordinates and relief features.
The engineering geodesy of a site for future construction is of great importance. Specifically:
- Determination of elevation differences on the site affecting the future design of buildings and engineering structures.
- Determining the exact coordinates of future buildings and engineering structures on the site and then fixing them on the geodetic map of the land parcel.
- Execution of technical geodetic documentation of the building plot required for further registration of the plot with state authorities.
Ukrainian legislation requires obligatory execution of geodesic documentation for certain types of development, especially for industrial and technical purposes and, of course, for multi-storey residential construction.
Sections of geodesy
Higher geodesy - it studies the methods and means of astronomical geodetic network creation - geodetic network, methods and techniques of high precision geodetic measurements, astronomical observations on creation of astronomical geodetic network:
Geodetic astronomy - provides point data from astronomical observations;
Geodetic gravimetry - provides gravity distribution on the earth's surface, displacement of rocks and the earth's surface, rock shocks, and gravimetric determinations on parts of points;
Space geodesy (satellite geodesy) - using observations from artificial satellites and spacecraft to study the shape and size of the Earth and its external gravity field.
Photogrammetry - the study of methods of creating topographical maps from aerial surveying materials, the determination of the size, shape and position of objects from images on photographs.
Topography - description of the earth's surface on a local scale in the form of conventional signs.
Cartography - description of the earth's surface in the form of maps.
Marine geodesy - methods for mapping and other work in the seas and oceans.
Engineering geodesy (applied geodesy) - Methods, techniques and organisation of geodetic work to solve engineering problems.
The main objectives of geodesy:
Determining the shape and dimensions of the Earth;
Extension of a single coordinate system to the territory of a single nation, continent and the whole Earth;
making measurements on the earth's surface;
depicting parts of the earth's surface on topographical maps and plans;
study of both local and mass landslides caused by a series of exogenous processes and natural phenomena
study of movement of glaciers, living organisms
study of movements of buildings and other man-made objects during their operation
study of seismic activity, activity of surface and deep faults and volcanoes
study of lithospheric plate shifts.
Carrying out geodetic works is an integral part necessary for land surveying and construction design. Depending on the purpose of the geodetic work, the terms of reference for its execution are created. Implementation of such terms of reference is carried out in stages, in accordance with the principles and methods established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
Geodetic works can be divided into certain groups. The largest group is engineering-geodetic surveys which meet the needs of the construction process. The most common in this segment is the topographic and geodetic surveying service. It is a process aiming at surveying the territory of a land plot, determining its area, relief, location of real estate objects (if any), communications (networks, gas, electricity, water, heat, communications networks, cable Internet, etc.) as well as vegetation. All these elements are marked on the topographical map and approved by the owners of such services and networks. This service is mandatory for future construction projects (residential, non-residential, or landscaping).